Jesus fish sign - Σήμα Ι.Χ.Θ.Υ.Σ.

Greek Orthodox names that are celebrated in
February 2025

BRIDGET (Brigit, Bridget, Brigid, Brigitta, Bridgit, Bride)1Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
FILIKITA (Filikitati, Filikita, Filikiti)1February  
TRYFON (Tryfonas, Tryfonia)1February  
IPAPANTI (Ypapante, Ypapanti)2February  
ASIMAKIS (1) (Asimakis)3February  
ASIMINA (1) (Asimina)3February  
SIMEON (1) (Simeon)3February  
STAMATIA (1) (Stamatia, Matoula, Mato, Stamela, Stamatina, Stamata, Matina, Mata)3February  
STAMATIS (1) (Stamatis, Stamos)3Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
IASIMOS (Iasimos)4February  
ISIDOROS (1) (Isidoros)4February  
AGATHI (Agathe, Agathi, Agatha)5February  
PHOTIS (2) (Fotis, Fotios)6February  
PARTHENIS (1) (Parthenios, Parthenis)7February  
ZAHARIAS (1) (Zachariah, Zechariah, Zacaria, Zacarias, Zacary, Zacharia, Zacharias, Zacharie, Zachary, Zachery, Zackerias, Zack, Zakarias, Zeke, Zaharias, Zacharoula, Zacharenia, Zaki, Zakis)8February  
MARKELOS (1) (Markelos)9February  
NIKIFOROS (2) (Nikiforos)9February  
PAGRATIOS (1) (Pagratios, Pagratia)9Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HARALAMBIA (Hara, Haralambia, Haralampia, Lambia,Lampia, Lambo, Lampo, Bambina, Bilio, Mpilio, Hambi, Hampi)10February click for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HARALAMBOS (Haralambos, Haralampos, Haralampous)10Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HARIKLIA (2) (Hariklia, Haroula)10February  
HARILAOS (Harilaos, Haris)10February  
AVGI (Avgi)11February  
THEODORA (1) (Thodora, Theodora)11Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
VLASSIS (Vlassis)11February  
MELETIOS (1) (Meletios, Meletis)12February  
PLOTINOS (Plotinos)12February  
PRISCILLA (Priscilla)13February  
VALENTINI (Valentina, Valentine, Valentini, Valentinos, Dina, Dinos)14February  
EFSEVIOS (2) (Evsevios, Evsevia, Efsevios, Sevi)15February  
CHLOE (*) (Chloe)16Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
PAMFILLIE (Pamfili)16February  
PAMFILLOS (Pamfylos)16February  
SELEFKOS (Selefkos)16February  
SUNDAY OF THE PRODIGAL SON (*) (Sunday of the Prodigal Son)16Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
THEODOROS (2) (Thodoris, Theodore, Teo, Theodoros, Thodora, Theodora)17February  
AGAPITOS (Agapitos)18February  
LEON (1) (Leon)18Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
FILOTHEI (Philothei)19February  
LEON (2) (Leon)20Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
MEAT FARE THURSDAY (*) (Meat Fare Thursday)20February  
EFSTATHIOS (1) (Evstathios, Stathis)21Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
ANTHOUSA (Anthousa)22February  
SATURDAY OF SOULS (1)(*) (Saturday of Souls)22February  
THALASSIOS (Thalassios, Thalasia, Thalasini)22February  
POLYCHRONIS (2) (Polychronios)23Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
POLYKARPOS (Polykarpos)23Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
(no widely known nameday)24February  
RIGINOS (Riginos, Rigina)25February  
TARASIOS (Tarasios, Tarasis, Tarasius)25Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
TARSI (Tarso, Tarsi, Tarasia)25February click for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
ANATOLI (Anatoli)26February  
PHOTINI (3) (Fotine, Fotini, Foto, Fotoula, Fay, Fofo)26Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
PORFIRIOS (Porfyros)26February  
SEBASTIANOS (1) (Sevastianos, Sebastian)26February  
ASKLIPIOS (Asklepios, Asklipios)27February  
NISIOS (Nisios)27February  
KYRA (Kyra, Kyratsa, Kyratso, Kyratsoula, Kyratsouda)28Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
MARIANNA (Mariana)28February  
CASIANOS (Cassianos, Kassianos, Casianos, Kasianos, Casos, Kasos)29Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)

total 60

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keywords for indexing: eortologio, namedays, orthodox namedays, celebration, name days, name day, synaxarium, synaxaristis, sinaxaristis, movable namedays, Pascha, Easter, when is my nameday, orthodox, orthodoxy, saint, saints, martyr, martyrology, hagiology, paschalion, pasha, pasxa, easter, catholic, church, celebration, birthday, eortologio, greek namedays, menology, menaion, menaia, name day, movable, great, feasts, Gospel, Christian community, griechische, namenstage, eortes, giortes, pote giortazei, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025.